Weaving rituals into your daily routine
Written by; Jess Lips – Founder of From India with Love
Health isn’t something that just happens one day… It is a process of gradually increasing momentum by contributing to your well being every day. Health isn’t always so black and white either, it’s not always as simple as a two-week diet to then be healthy forever. Instead, health and well-being are more like a web, which is constantly weaving it into every moment of your day-to-day existence.
When studying Yoga overseas when I was eighteen, I began to learn that our strongest medicine is the food we consume. Prior to this time, I always thought that when I became ill, I needed medicine to cure what was going on inside my body. However, I then became familiar with a more holistic system called Ayurveda, which translates to ‘the science of life’.
Through Ayurveda, I learnt that simple herbs such as basil and mint, and more extravagant ones such as tulsi and ashwaganda, all have medicinal properties. Every herb and food possesses unique traits that our bodies can intelligently utilise to support our journey towards full vitality. The more aware we become of the healing abilities from each plant and food, the more easily we can integrate them into each day as a tool to improve our immune system.
My greatest excitement each day comes from having coffee, cacao, iced drinks and especially, chai. Take any of these drinks and mix them with a tincture or herbal powder of choice and feel how your immune system becomes an intelligent machine! Through simple research, you can become knowledgeable about which herbs may support your body best in certain ways, and then experience these benefits to completely transform your life. My favourite superfoods are Medicinal Mushrooms and these herbal tinctures.
If you are lucky to live near a beach, taking a swim at least once per day can boost your entire mood! I have been going for daily swims for the past four years, and it makes me realise the power in simple pleasures that really add value into life. The best part about the beach is that it’s free and always available, so taking this time to connect with the ocean is a great ritual that has enhanced my life tremendously.
Thanks for tuning in! Comment below what your favourite ritual is during your day-to-day life?
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