Healer's Balm - Frankincense, Geranium, Tea Tree - 15ml
What do people say:
This balm has a heavenly, healing scent and is our best seller. Its also the only balm with Manuka (Jellybush) Beeswax. Our regulars tout this balm as the best all-rounder as a facial moisturiser due to its choosen essential oils and ability to leave the skin looking full and lush.
We've also had a lot of feedback on its ability to very quickly reverse sun damage and scarring.
"Amazing products, I cannot believe how quickly these products work, skin blemishes, pimples etc... I have tried a few different products but nothing like Against The Grain's. I will never use anything else again, its natural and yourself and others truly notice a difference and at affordable pricing, so thank you! Rob & Mel – QLD"
About the balms
All our healing balms are:
- Fantastic Moisturisers
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-allergenic
- Anti-aging
Other General Uses:
- Everyday moisturiser
- Soothes sunburn
- Hair rejuvenator
- Bites & stings
- Cuts & scrapes
- Scars and wound healing
- Makeup primer & remover
- Offer mild sun protection
This balm is best for:
- Acne
- Sun damage
- Wrinkles & scarring
- Hormonal balacing
- Immune support
Beeswax & Skin Conditions
One of the major game changes for those whom suffer from inflammatory skin conditions is beeswax and its ability to heal and seal. Doing one without the other makes providing relief to these conditions a major feat. Steroid creams are a short term fix for these issues and dont address the breakdown in your skins lipid barrier, give your skin the nourishment it is desperately asking for!
Cold-pressed, Organic Coconut & Olive Oil, Jelly-Bush Manuka Beeswax, Natural Vitamin E Oil, & Pure, Theraputic Grade DoTerra Essential Oils - Frankincense, Geranium, & Tea Tree.