ENKI: Microbe Formula - Triple Extracts
Available in 50ml
Barberry, Black Walnut, Wild Olive Leaf
Wild Harvested / Certified Organic / Local
The highly bioavailable full spectrum liquid extract contains some of the most highly antimicrobial herbs ever studied! They have been extracted in specific ways to enhance their effects and formulated with traditional methods to completely permeate all tissues of the body!
What's great about herbal anti microbes is that they are generally supportive of good bacteria while heavily inhospitable to "bad" microbes.
The reason for this is that plants have to protect themselves from aggressive microbes as well, and they have a veritable arsenal evolved over millions of years, with a little lab know how we can extract these compounds and make them bioavailable, effectively giving us the power of the plants!
This formula and it's relevant studies are cited from 2 of Stephen Harrod Buhners texts - considered the deepest studies into antimicrobial herbs ever presented in the West.
1. Herbal antivirals
2. Herbal antibiotics
BASE MENSTRUM / Certified Organic Cane Spirits, House distilled Aquavite